Prof. Dr. Elvan İşeri

Prof. Dr. Elvan İŞERİ
Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
Office : +90(312) 441 41 10
1071 Kızılırmak Neighborhood 1443. Street. 25A/81 Floor:11 Çukurambar/ ANKARA
mobile : +90(530) 642 42 17
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    Prof. Dr. Elvan İşeri
       +90 (312) 441 41 10
       +90 (530) 642 42 17
Psychiatric Evaluation Treatment
Child Psychiatry

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Learning Disorders, Cognitive Developmental Delays can cause school and course problems and emotional problems in children.
Adolescent Psychiatry

Adolescence is a period in which many problems and disorders such as exam anxiety, relationship problems, emotional and behavioral disorders may develop, and it is developmentally extremely important to get through this period in a healthy way.
Baby Psychiatry

Infant Psychiatry deals with the period of 0-3 years of age. During this period, healthy baby development is supported with diagnosis and treatment approaches for the baby's cognitive, emotional, physical development and developmental problems, difficulties in eating, sleeping and toilet training, temperament and behavioral problems.
treatment services
In the press Prof. Dr. Elvan İşeri
Quality Life Services
Prof. Dr. Elvan İşeri

Head of the Department of Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases, Gazi University Faculty of Medicine
Chairman of the Qualification Board of the Turkish Child and Youth Psychiatry Association
She particularly deals with children and their families with early childhood mental health problems, learning and attention problems, and neurodevelopmental delays.
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and our address to contact us

1071 Kızılırmak Neighborhood 1443. Street. 25A/81 Floor:11  Çukurambar/ ANKARA

Prof. Dr. Elvan İşeri  : +90 530 642 42 17
Office  : +90 312 4414110

date of update : 18.04.2024
Design Ali İŞERİ
Articles are for informational purposes. Please consult your doctor for treatment.
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